Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students from Rural Areas in the Midland and Mountainous Areas of Northern Vietnam

Nguyen Quang Hop, Le Ngoc Nuong, Nguyen Thu Thuy, Do Thai Hoa


The Northern Midlands and Mountains region includes 14 provinces in North Vietnam, accounting for 35% of the country’s natural area, with more than 30 ethnic groups. The region’s population is 14.7 million people, accounting for about 15.2% of the country’s population, and there are many rural young people who have become students in the country. The study analyzed factors influencing the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the northern midlands and mountainous areas, with 315 questionnaires distributed and 302 collected. The results showed five factors with 21 observed variables analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). This demonstrated that all five factors influence the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the northern midlands and mountainous areas of Vietnam: attitude toward entrepreneurship, financial capability, entrepreneurial experience, student capability, and entrepreneurial education. Among them, student capability, entrepreneurial education, and financial capability have the strongest impact on the entrepreneurial intentions of students in the northern midlands and mountainous areas.


Keywords: entrepreneurial intentions; northern midlands and mountainous areas; financial capability; entrepreneurial education; entrepreneurial experience




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