Strategic Issues of Sustainable Development of Food Crops

Tajidan Tajidan, Suparmin, Muhammad Yusuf, Addinul Yakin


The aim of this research is to identify strategic issues in the agricultural development of food crop sustainability. This goal was achieved by combining observation, interview, desk study, and focus group discussion methods. Strategic issues for the development of sustainable agriculture of food crops are environmental issues consisting of climate change, natural disasters, potential degradation of natural resources, and conversion of agricultural land to nonagricultural uses. The economic problems consist of the declining contribution of the agricultural sector to the regional gross domestic product, slowing economic growth, unequal economic distribution, low capacity of agricultural households to meet agricultural financing needs, and socio-cultural issues, including an increase in the number of poor people, risks to health and human security, and low levels of education of the population. The process of developing a food crop agriculture development strategy can be replicated in other research locations, and the formulation of strategic issues for sustainable food crop agriculture development can be used as a reference in formulating strategic issues in similar research in other regions in Indonesia.


Keywords: environmental issues; economic problems; non-agricultural use; socio-cultural issues


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