Agrotourism Development in North Lombok, Indonesia, Creates Mutualistic Symbiosis with Halal Tourism

Zainuri Zainuri, Taslim Sjah


Agrotourism being developed in Gumantar, North Lombok, Indonesia, is one of the efforts to develop the region and improve the livelihood of the people. This paper describes the nature of agrotourism development in Gumantar, showing halal tourism, how the development of agrotourism supports halal tourism, and vice versa. A descriptive method is applied to achieve the paper objectives.  The paper concludes that the development of agrotourism in Gumantar, North Lombok, is halal tourism and supports halal tourism. It is halal for agrotourism practices sustainable production and produces halal goods sourced from halal materials (inputs). Agrotourism development contributes to agricultural development in the area, increases the livelihood of the community, and supports halal tourism worldwide, obviously by providing halal foods and facilitating the generation of halal income, which can be used for several halal purposes. On the reverse, halal tourism supports agrotourism, and this creates mutualistic symbiosis. Given the positive impact of this agrotourism activity on the people, such program is necessary to be continued and expanded. This recommendation applies not only to the current research location but also to other locations in Lombok, Indonesia, or even in the world. This study contributes in the form of knowledge integration between agrotourism and halal tourism and further to generating increased incomes for farmers and other related parties.


Keywords: agrotourism; halal tourism; integrated approach; sustainable development


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