Rice Drought Tolerance-Related Trait Inheritance Pattern of F2 Progenies Derived from Hybridization of Salumpikit x IR20

Nono Carsono, Zulfa Afifah, Muhammad Yusuf, Santika Sari, Anas


Breeding efforts are required to improve rice tolerance to drought due to climate change. Some traits such as leaf rolling, spikelet fertility, tiller number, root length, and heading date are known to be associated with rice drought tolerance. The knowledge of interest trait inheritance patterns plays a significant role in estimating the number of genes involved and selecting superior lines in rice. This study evaluates the inheritance pattern of new 334 F2 rice progenies from hybridization between cv. Salumpikit (drought-tolerant) and IR20 (drought-sensitive). The research was conducted in Screen House, Jatinangor, West Java, Indonesia, at 753 m above sea level. This study used an augmented design with three blocks. All progenies were exposed to -50 kPa drought stress for four weeks during the vegetative phase. The segregation ratio was determined using chi-square analysis (χ2). The results showed that heading date, leaf rolling, spikelet fertility, number of tillers, and root length were not normally distributed, indicating that these are qualitatively inherited in the case of Salumpikit x IR20 hybridization. Leaf rolling fitted with a 3:1 ratio (one pair of the dominant gene), spikelet fertility 9:7 ratio (dominant epistasis), heading date fitted to 13:3 ratio (dominant and recessive epistasis), and the number of tillers 15:1 ratio (double dominant epistasis). The root length was found to be non-significant with any Mendelian ratio. An inheritance pattern study is a practical approach to select highly promising drought-tolerant rice genotypes as applied in this research and future development.


Keywords: heading date; leaf rolling; rice; segregation patterns; spikelet fertility


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