Prospective Analysis of Laying Hen Farming System in Limapuluh Kota Regency in West Sumatra, Indonesia

Dwi Yuzaria, Nuraini, Elfi Rahmi, M. I. Rias


This study aims to develop a policy for developing a sustainable poultry farming system through the preparation of a sustainability index drawing on the rapid appraisal approach to poultry farming. In Limapuluh Kota Regency, livestock sub-sector is developed in the form of an agropolitan area for laying hens. This area is located in three selected subdistricts: Payakumbuh, Mungka, and Guguak as the areas with the most populations of laying hens. However, there has been a decline in production in the last five years due to lack of agro-industry or agricultural products processing mechanisms. The method use is the analysis of dependence among factors drawing on prospective analysis resulted in seven key factors that influence the development of the poultry farm system. These include: (1) the price of eggs, (2) carrying feed, (3) feed industry, (4) use of farm waste, (5) nature of the work, (6) development of cooperatives, and (7) institution finance (bank/credit). Sustainability index calculation results showed the number 61.04, which indicates that the sustainability index of the laying hens farming system in the Agropolitan Area in Limapuluh Kota falls within the "fairly sustainable" category. The development of a sustainable poultry farming system can be done by applying the "moderate-optimistic" scenario.


Keywords: laying hen farming system; sustainability; agropolitan area


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